elearning "Plastics Part Design: Basics"
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Brief info on the course
Designing and dimensioning plastics components to suit the material appropriately is a demanding task. Plastics materials have complex properties that change greatly with environmental conditions and with processing. A reliable product design must take all these contingencies into account. It is therefore important to know the range of requirements for the future product very precisely, to select a suitable plastics material, to choose the geometry correctly and also to suitably adapt the dimensioning methods to the plastics material and the boundary conditions.
The transformation to a functioning circular economy brings additional requirements and increases the complexity of the development task. In some cases, tried-and-tested procedures for designing with plastics must therefore be questioned and rethought.
Especially lateral entrants and young designers benefit from a structured introduction to plastics-compatible and closed-loop compatible design.
This elearning course bundles the necessary knowledge for designing with plastics in a clear and practice-oriented form:
- Introduction to design for manufacturing and materials
- Introduction to aspects of closed-loop design
The ABC of designing with plastics!
german elearning version: Konstruieren mit Kunststoffen
- Scroll down to further information
- Scroll down to the booking form and book your course directly
- You need an offer? Send us an email!
This course was created in cooperation with Prof. Krumpholz and the Laboratory for Plastics CAE at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences.
Your elearning advantages:
individual, flexible, efficient
- start your training right now, without waiting
- learn flexibly and actively when and where you want to
- Use any Internet-capable terminal device
- Work at your own pace
- Repeat content as often as you like
- Pause your course and continue seamlessly
- Ask questions conveniently via personal chat
- Receive continuous learning feedback
- Achieve better knowledge transfer
- Save time, costs & lost work time
- available in english and german (Konstruieren mit Kunststoffen)
- Designing for the closed loop - an introduction
- Fundamentals of plastics-compatible design
- Material selection procedure
- Design for production, part 1
- Design for production, part 2
- Dimensioning suitable for plastics
- Requirements for recyclable products
- Recycling-compatible design vs. resource-conserving design
- Summary
- Final test
€ 590,- plus VAT
(€ 702,10 incl. 19 % VAT)
This offer is intended for B2B customers.
The invoice will be sent with the order confirmation. Our general terms and conditions apply.
Booking (as of Jan. 24)
This elearning course is available on request - at short notice
Request availability & information
Course description and workflow
The elearning course is divided into 9 chapters and a final test. You can interrupt, restart or repeat all 9 chapters at any point. You decide when you want to work on the course - as it fits into your daily schedule.
You can start the final test only once and receive a certificate only once. So you should be undisturbed during the final test.
Duration of work:
- Your completion time is completely individual - you have 90 days.
- A module that is easy for you, you might be able to complete in 30 minutes.
- For a difficult chapter you might need more than 60 minutes - divided into several attempts.
- Plan on at least 45 minutes for the final test
Actual completion time varies greatly by individual.
Duration of use:
After activating the booking code, the course is available for 90 days on the learning platform for processing. After successful course completion (including certificate), the online course is open for viewing until the 90 days expire.
After successful completion of the course and the final test, you will receive your certificate
Price per elearning-code:
€ 590,- plus VAT
(€ 702,10 incl. 19 % VAT)
This offer is intended for B2B customers.
The invoice will be sent with the order confirmation. Our general terms and conditions apply.
Target group:
Development, sales, purchasing, administration, production, quality.
previous knowledge:
Contents in brief:
- Determination of requirements and material selection
- Correct design with plastics
- Consideration of manufacturing influences
- Dimensioning suitable for plastics
- Closed-loop-compatible design - consideration of new requirements
- Dilemma: Closed-loop-compatible design vs. resource-saving design
german elearning version: Konstruieren mit Kunststoffen
as of 01.01.2024: available on request - at short notice.
Questions & thanks:
You can ask us questions conveniently and at any time via the comment function on the learning platform or simply write us an e-mail.
We would like to thank the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences for allowing us to use the Kunststoff-Technikum for media production.
as of 01.01.2024: available on request - at short notice.
Do you need an offer? Send us an email.
"Die Arbeit mit dem Kurs hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht"